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Spring Golf Weekend at Roncemay, Burgundy

Spring Golf Weekend at Roncemay, Burgundy
Fri, 5. May 2023 - Sun, 7. May 2023
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It is in Burgundy, (see, a very nice course, about 150 km. from Paris.
The hotel is on the course with rooms overlooking the golf course, with a « gastronomique » restaurant + swimming pool and spa.
The price of a double room + breakfast + « dîner gastronomique »  is: € 175 per night, per person, a single room, also including breakfast and « dîner gastronomique » is : € 285 per night.
Green fee is: € 49 per round.
Lunch is: € 25 per person.
Buggy is: € 34 per round.

If you would like to come, please complete the attached form and return to Claude Jaques at the address on top of the form BEFORE 31st January together with your cheque ( € 115 per golfer/ € 100 per non-golrfer).
Your booking will only be considered if your deposit cheque is attached.